15 May 2012

Mothers Day in Kindergarten

We were so excited to share all of our great work with our mums and grandmothers because they are very special to us!

Our school even had a special breakfast for them to enjoy!!

Here are some of the beautiful mums in Kinder.

And here are some of our gorgeous mums and grandmothers letting us show off our work

We hope all the mums had a great Mothers Day and got spoilt rotten!!

** A big thank you to all those parents who have left positive comments on our blog. As you are probably aware this blog is an voluntary/additional opportunity for you to see what is happening in our classrooms. We try our hardest to include as many children as possible and are sure you understand what a huge task this can be. Kindergarten are leading the way in providing this resource for all of our wonderful parents and hope you continue to enjoy our blog. 

03 May 2012


Thank you to all the families who contributed to the $2000 we raised to help those in need.

There were bugs everywhere!!

Here are a few that we found in the Kindergarten classrooms.

Lady bugs
and butterflies



All our teachers dressed up as bugs and they paraded for us!

Here are some of the things we saw:

We were glad there was no Mortein in sight!

27 April 2012

Over the holidays we took home an Eric Carle book called Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

We shared it with our families.
Our teachers think we are such amazing readers that we decided to suprise our year six buddies!

Our buddies usually read to us but today we thought we would read to them!

We blew our buddies away with how clever we are!

Our buddies were so proud of us!

We know what commas and question marks are!

We hope you enjoyed the book too!

05 April 2012

Wishing you all a happy Easter!

Today we reflected on what we have learnt during the term.

We all got a huge surprise when we saw a big bunny had messed up our rooms and left us some chocolate eggs! We know that eggs are an Easter symbol of new life!

We have a very prayerful day as we are coming to the end of Holy week.

We met with our buddies in the garden and had a special prayer and learnt about the 'Last Supper". We shared a loaf of bread and our recess with our friends.

Later we headed up to Caroline Chisholm and watched the story of "Good Friday" being acted out. It was sad to see what happened to Jesus and we feel lucky that he did that for us!

We ended off our day with some Easter craft and are looking forward to celebrating new life on Easter Sunday. I wonder how many new life symbols Kindergarten can remember and share with their families.

We thank all the parents who have volunteered to help with the morning reading program beginning week 2 next term and welcome anyone else who can help! Each class need about 5 parents every morning for 10 mins to make this a successful program!

We also would like to ask any parents who can help with reading groups in the morning blocks to let their child's teacher know.

Wishing everyone a safe and blessed Easter break!

We look forward to seeing everyone back refreshed and ready to learn!

30 March 2012

Cross Country

Today we had our school cross country!

We all went across the road and ran around the soccer fields as many times as we could!

Below are some photos of the day.

After our run we enjoyed a big drink and a piece of fruit!

Thanks to all the parents and friends who came down and assisted.

Without parents events like this cannot happen!